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Feedback Books

Give your teacher's their time back

For a long time, marking has been the bane of teacher's lives and the amount of time spent reviewing pupils work, outside school hours, is known to have negative impact on the mental health of your staff. Our bespoke feedback books are a great solution to bringing that amount of time down. A few key points to help you get started with the feedback books:

  • Encouraging the use of whole class feedback by subject
  • One book that lasts a term or even a year
  • Reduce staff marking time by up to 50% (percentage is taken from school feedback and may vary)
  • Reduce the time a teacher spends in contact with a pupil's exercise books

A quote taken from the Ofsted report of a school using our feedback books:
“Feedback books are effective and move learning on quickly. The books have been useful for identifying where children are at, where the misconceptions are and how to move children on. They have supported staff workload and wellbeing without losing the rigour of quality feedback.”

With low minimum top-ups, and a fully bespoke design service, we can tailor these to your exact requirements. All you have to do is book a call with us…

Let’s make the next chapter of their educational development the best yet.

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We can’t wait to get started on your project. But first, for a more precise understanding of what we do and how we’ll shape it around you, browse a few of our case studies and print marketing resources.