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Barnabus - 2021 Calendars

Barnabus is a Manchester based charity that bring hope to the homeless and vulnerable. Empine was brought in to help the charity find an alternative means of funding after a tough year.

Why they chose Empine?

Having known Empine and in particular Anthony, our Print Director, Barnabus felt that Empine could deliver a high quality, saleable product that would be destined to succeed. Also Empine could offer highly competitive rates and would do their utmost to keep the cost of the calendars down without compromise on quality.

The Outcome!

An A4 wall calendar that celebrates their home city, Manchester, and has a powerful message of hope and aspiration. Not only, a clean looking, well printed calendar. Within 1 week, of delivery (at the time of writing) calendar sales have already returned 300% of money invested.

On Twitter the client said:
"Our ‘Manchester is Ours’ calendars are in from @EmpinePrint and they look absolutely fantastic, they're £10 and 100% of the proceeds support our work” - Barnabus Manchester

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